Earth does not belong to humans, humans belong to the earth.
Chief Seattle
Grief, Joy, Gratitude, in what lays ahead.
The topic includes much of how empires fail. The path is known and we are on the downword part of the curve(the opinion of many that are studied in this area). I also hope to find enough shared wisdom to gather ideas of what “comes after” as vague as that sounds.
Various aspects of a culture allow it to flourish. Such things as trust which relates to faith allow culture to exist. People need to pass on beliefs, practices, behavior and values to succeeding generations for a culture to endure.
The Anthropocene epoch brings a dynamic change in climate. These changes in turn have planetary effects in various earth systems. Most of these effects are not condusive to humans to flourish. To help mitigate such effects mankind will need to think larger vision and action that just what is the byproduct of natural resource use and population growth overshoot.
To understand where we are going one needs to understand where earth came from. From a review of the geological record the changes seen in recent history have garnered the concept to the planetary transformations seen in the Great Acceleration and are included in this section.
Existential Risk.
The concept of humanity threatened in its entirety or at the least to leave few survivors has a number of components. Some are related directly to technology and others to the effects humanity have on the planet. Discussion runs the gamut from the unlikely to ones more probable.
Nature is complex in how various species interact with themselves and others. Biodiversity is signature of planetary health. Extinction and damage to life forms by human over extraction and waste production will limit our adaptation and survival.